Thanks, Tim! x

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Rian and i went to that advance screening back in 1982 at the Shaftsbury Odeon. A truly religious experience, we were in screen 1. I can still remember the hairs on my arms rising as the Alan Ladd logo appeared line by line and then the fireball reflected in the eye ball. Who'd have thought that 23 years later I'd be editing the Blade Runner comics.

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I didn’t know that, David! I don’t think Rian ever mentioned it. Amazing! So we were all there at the very same time :) Great to hear that you’re editing the comics too!

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I was at Marvel that year on work experience and saw the second showing. It all went without a hitch. Amazing day, incredible film and it still stands up. Set in 2019 too – as you once said, we're living in the future!

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Thanks, John! I missed this comment. I didn’t realize you’d seen it around the same time, but of course you were already at Marvel UK.

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Brilliant! I didn't know that story of the near-disastrous first showing of Blade Runner. I bet Alan was having kittens. Love the photos of Manko. Everything about them is perfect. Looking at that Youtube clip is a reminder of just how fabulous the visuals were on the movie, even though it was made over 40 years ago. It proves that genuinely innovative and beautiful art, whatever the medium, is about talent and imagination, not flashy tech.

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Thanks, Dave! Yes, that film continues to inspire. So glad I got into that screening. Standing in that insanely long line was pretty traumatic, not knowing if we’d get in after driving all the way up to London.

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Brilliant work and memories Steve! Tx

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I had that same tape - me and a mate used to drive around late at night in Perth, Western Australia listening to it circa 1994. I also visited the Bradbury Building once - in November, 2019, for obvious reasons. On holiday with a different couple of old friends to hit the filming locations and whatnot. They had an exhibition of sci-fi cars at the Peterson Auto Museum at the time, with a few spinners on display, the Mad Max Pursuit Special, the DeLorean, etc. Good times.

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I really enjoyed reading this, Blade runner and the Vangelis Soundtrack are still outstanding. Amusing expression on Vangelis' face! Thanks for sharing.

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