Hmmm, yeah that may be worth trying. It was the 'scientific' theory I found baffling. Not sure if he's a genius or just some bloke talking bollocks (LOL)

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Yeah, the science stuff I found a bit difficult, but I googled his name the other day and found an article online from a year ago that was kinda interesting. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/apr/23/the-vision-collector-the-man-who-used-dreams-and-premonitions-to-predict-the-future

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Wow! That's an interesting article. As you know, I'm a sceptic when it comes to the paranormal but I'm always willing to explore the possibilities. Also, of course, science supports the idea that time works in all kind of flexible, even non-linear ways.

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Yes, there's been a bit of discussion about 'retrocausality' lately, in fact just last month this article appeared on Vice. Well worth a read. I got to the point where I couldn't ignore all these bizarre 'coincidences', like the one I wrote about in my post 'The Rushkoff Concurrence' a year ago. I have no idea why or how this stuff works, but I find it really intriguing. Check this one: https://www.vice.com/en/article/epvgjm/a-growing-number-of-scientists-are-convinced-the-future-influences-the-past

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Quantum physics and entanglement theories are fascinating because they really do attempt a scientifically feasible explanation of non-linear time. And it's certainly true that our brains don't always process events in a linear way. It's our conditioning that makes us rearrange memories into a formally linear structure - or tries. Our subconscious certainly doesn't bother!

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Thanks for these links.

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Thanks for the comments, Dave. It's nice to get feedback.

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As usual, you've boggled my mind with this one. By the way, I tried reading Dunne's 'An Experiment With Time' and lost my way with it after a couple of chapters. Is it worth the effort to try it again?

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It’s more about trying the experiment, Dave. My copy is back in London but I just got another one from eBay for here, because I hadn’t read it since I was a teenager. Some of the results can be really mundane, but it seems to work. A couple of nights ago I dreamt of a place called Orpington. I hadn’t thought of that place for years, especially as I’m no longer in the UK, so I wrote it down when I woke up. Last night I was watching tv with Sasha and there was an interview with a man and woman and a sign came up that said they were from Orpington. I felt a jolt after seeing it, and went into my office to find that piece of paper. That dream should have been last night, after I’d seen the tv program, not two nights ago. It’s useless info, it means nothing, it just seems that past, present and future gets jumbled when we dream... only sometimes of course.

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