I’ve still got Covid, and I’ve still yet to unearth the Captain Britain issues, that I know I have somewhere, but what I did discover is a whole load of random titles that I don’t remember even existing, like this one…
And this…
The following Rampage Magazine, has a very early strip called The Crusader by Alan Davis and Paul Neary.
I distinctly remember buying The Avengers, and I seem to have two copies of #1 and #2, plus their gifts.
I was wondering if I’d actually lost the Free! Superhero Transfers Free! and then I discovered this…
Not exactly awe-inspiring!
From issue #2… Behold! The Wonder Weapon!
Then we have Planet of the Apes #1.
Which was great, until they ran out of weekly reprint content.
To get around the problem they reconfigured the Amazing Adventures - War of the Worlds strips featuring Killraven, renamed him Apeslayer, and added Ape heads onto his antagonists. I was already a fan of Killraven from the American issues, so I knew what they were up to!
To me, these Savage Sword of Conan issues were of interest for the amazing Barry Windsor-Smith artwork, which I’d never seen before. I’d already acquired a lot of the later American editions.
I also discovered this one issue of Doctor Who Monthly. Strange to think, that a few years down the line, I’d end up being its art editor and designer.
VWORP VWORP… hey it’s interesting to note that watching Doctor Who episodes on tv with closed captions, they use these very same words to describe the Tardis materializing and dematerializing.
Anyway, a great strip by Steve Moore, Dave Gibbons and Paul Neary.
Now we get into the Marvel UK era of weird landscape editions.
Cinematic widescreen covers!
Everybody knew about the legendary status of The Amazing Spider-Man #121, but I never could manage to find a copy. In those days long before the existence of eBay, I had to wait for Super Spider-Man #170, May 1976.
I vividly recall reading this during my lunch break at work and being completely gobsmacked. The death of Gwen Stacy to me, seemed every bit as powerful as remembering where you were when Kennedy was assassinated.
Yes, I was in the display studio at Debenhams, The Night Gwen Stacy Died!
Sob… uncontrollable sobbing…!
Ah, those landscape editions! I'd forgotten about those.
You must never have fired the Wonder Weapon since the Earth is still here.
I'm not too manly to admit that tears still come to my eyes when I remember reading the issue where Gwen dies.
Hope you’re feeling better, Steve! Mind the dust going through those boxes in that shed!